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Meet Our Coaches


Crossfit Trainer

I used to own and operate traditional globo-gym style fitness franchises. After finding CrossFit, my personal motivation and how I helped clients completely changed. I went on to coach, manage, and even open new CrossFit facilities for 6 years in the Middle East.



I grew up in the suburbs just south of Boston and spent the majority of my life playing competitive softball. After wrapping up my college softball career, I found CrossFit and haven’t looked back. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my professional career working in physical therapy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. I have a Black Lab/Great Dane named Wilson and I love visiting my friends in Hawaii.



I grew up in the suburbs just south of Boston and spent the majority of my life playing competitive softball. After wrapping up my college softball career, I found CrossFit and haven’t looked back. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my professional career working in physical therapy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. I have a Black Lab/Great Dane named Wilson and I love visiting my friends in Hawaii.